City of Trenton: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project

City of Trenton: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project:Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project
The City of Trenton will receive sealed Bids for the construction of their Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at the Trenton City Hall, 111 South Main Street in Trenton, Kentucky, 42286, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The contract involves various improvements and modifications to the existing Trenton Wastewater Treatment Plant within the city limits of Trenton, Kentucky (Todd County).


Bids are to be addressed to the City of Trenton, 111 S. Main Street, PO Box 72, Trenton, Kentucky 42286, and shall be marked “Sealed Bid – WWTP Improvements Project.” Bids are also to include on the outside, Bidder’s name and address and the Bid receipt date and time. Bids shall be prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders.