The City of Auburn will receive separate, sealed Proposals for their City-wide Meter Change Out Project until 3:00 p.m. local time, Friday, September 2, 2022 (Date & Time changed via Addendum 1) at the Auburn City Hall, 103 East Main Street, P.O. Box 465, Auburn, Kentucky, 42206, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The contract involves the purchase and installation of all equipment, hardware & software for use in implementing an automated water meter reading system throughout the Auburn water system (Logan County). Presently, there are approximately 750 total meters to be changed out in the system.
This project is funded with City Reserve monies and possibly with Cleaner Water Program (CWP) grant funds administered through the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority (KIA). Applicable CWP requirements and provisions must be met by the Bidder and all subcontractors.Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate in this project. The City of Auburn is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any technicality, and to accept any Bid which it deems advantageous. All Bids shall remain subject to acceptance for 60 days after the time set for receiving proposals.
Published by the authority of the City of Auburn
Michael Hughes, Mayor
Dated: August 9, 2022