The Todd County Board of Education (KY) will receive separate, sealed Bids for their Safe Routes to School: Walk With Us Sidewalk Project until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the Todd County Board of Education’s Board Room, 205 Airport Road, Elkton, Kentucky 42220, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The contract involves the construction of nearly 2,600 SY of new concrete sidewalk, crosswalk stripping, and other appurtenances and related work along West Main Street and Streets Avenue within the City of Elkton.
Bids are to be addressed to the Todd County Board of Education, 205 Airport Road, Elkton, Kentucky 42220, and shall be marked “Sealed Bid – Walk With Us Sidewalk Project.” Bids are also to include on the outside, Bidder’s name and address and the Bid receipt date and time. Bids shall be prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office, which is McGhee Engineering, Inc., at P.O. Box 267, 202 South Ewing Street, Guthrie, Kentucky 42234 or by calling (270) 483-9985. A $50.00 non-refundable charge will be required for each contract set of Bidding Documents, which also include 22-inch by 34-inch drawings. Shipping and handling fees are included. Overnight mailing of Bidding Documents will not be provided. Bids will be accepted only from contractors holding approved bid forms.
The Todd County Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer and encourages minority and small businesses to bid on all projects. This project will be funded in part by a grant from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and it is subject to all associated requirements and all requirements for public projects in Kentucky. All Bidders must be prequalified with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet by the opening of the bids. Contract award shall be made based on the lowest, responsive, responsible Bid. The Todd County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any technicality, and to accept any Bid which it deems advantageous.
All Bids shall remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the time set for opening Bids. All bids should be accompanied by a bid bond of not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid executed by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and countersigned by a licensed Kentucky Resident Agent, representing the Surety Company. Check or bond shall be payable to the Todd County Board of Education. All taxes, fees, and licenses are the responsibility of the successful Bidder unless specifically exempted in the Bidding Documents.
The Todd County Board of Education has set a goal that not less than 3% of the total value of this contract be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The goal for the utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as subcontractors is a recommended goal. Contractors who fail to meet such goal will be expected to provide written explanations to the Todd County Board of Education efforts they have made to accomplish the recommended goal, and the extent to which they are successful in accomplishing the recommended goal will be a consideration in the procurement process.
A Pre-bid Conference will be held at 2:00 P.M. local time, on Friday, January 31, 2014, at the Todd County Board of Education’s Board Room, 205 Airport Road, Elkton, KY 42220. Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference.